By Chris Boggs

Insurance Services Office (ISO) in mid-2021 released its first multi-state Homeowners’ filing in over 11 years. This most recent filing took effect beginning March 1, 2022. Within this filing, ISO:

  • Introduced one new coverage form (the HO 00 14);
  • Created and introduced 12 new endorsements;
  • Revised 120 forms and endorsement; and
  • Withdrew 11 forms and endorsements.

Several changes in the various HO forms have resulted in updated special limits of coverage and a change in the exception to the watercraft exclusion. Because of these changes, many of the special and sub values we have committed to memory over the last two decades have changed. The one constant in life and insurance is change.

Charts are an effective way to keep track of the many coverage nuances found in the various homeowners’ coverage forms. The Virtual University created several charts to help insurance practitioners keep track of key factors, values and provisions in ISO’s homeowners’ coverage forms; however, two different versions of these charts are now required based on the coverage form edition dates:

(Note that these charts differ based on the edition date of the coverage form, not the policy’s effective date. Some states may not yet have adopted these forms and some carriers have not yet adopted these changes.)​

Want to learn more?

Big ‘I’ Virtual University LIVE Webinar ISO’s 2022 Homeowners Changes. Register today.

The article was originally published on and has been reposted/reprinted with permission. Click here for the original article. 

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