⛳Join us for a day of golf, networking, and some fun in the sun! ⛳

⛳Join us for a day of golf, networking, and some fun in the sun! ⛳


June 9, 2025


Hiwan Golf Club
30671 Clubhouse Lane
Evergreen, CO 80439

Golf Tournament Details

PIIAC’s Don Nabity Golf Tournament is hosted every year in the summer. The event raises money for the Don Nabity Scholarship that allows young professionals to attend the Big “I” Legislative Conference in DC each year. 

For more event details and to register, click here. 

Raise money

Network with other professionals

Spend a day on the golf course

Tournament Sponsors

Current Sponsors for the Nabity Golf Tournament. Check back often as the list expands. 

Want to be a sponsor? 

Be a sponsor at the Nabity Golf Tournament. There are several different options such as breakfast sponsor, hole sponsor, and more. Just fill out the form below!