Here is my first blog of the new year…ok I lied, my first blog of my life. I am zooming towards the year 2013, but I promise throughout 2020 I will catch up with everyone. At the end of the day, I don’t think I am so much different when it comes to emerging trends like a lot of the insurance industry. There are definitely those who are really pushing the envelope regarding technology and then there are people like me who are pushing boundaries in other places (what does our industry look like.) 

How It Started

Everyone I know in insurance has a similar story of why they got into insurance. It was either “I thought I would try it”, or “my family was in it.” I fall into the first category; I was working for Coca-Cola and someone said you should look into insurance. I thought to myself “that doesn’t sound like a good plan”, but I ended up giving it a shot and I can say it was one of the better decisions I have made (although I set the bar pretty low for myself in my younger years.)

Over the years I have developed an even greater appreciation for the insurance industry, not only because it can provide a good stable career, but because it is literally in everything we do daily. I have seen first-hand people join this industry and never look back. Throughout most of my career I have always tried to help pay it forward and get new talent into the insurance industry. We have had some success and some other trying moments, but as an industry I think we are getting there, especially here in Colorado. Check out our brand-new website at 

Building the Talent Network

As we move forward and more people retire, we need to continue to work for our members to bring new diverse talent into the industry. Our National Association has a whole initiative geared towards diversity known as the Diversity Council, and I am proud to say I have the privilege to serve on that committee. We, as a group, need to work together to encourage all different types of professionals to check out the insurance industry, help them get involved and help foster a career path that works for them.  Here in Colorado we want to do this through a variety of avenues, such as:

  • We help you with the talent you find. Helping with training, on-boarding as well as ongoing support with coaching. 
  • We find the talent, send them to our members and then continue to work with them on developing and coaching that talent. 
  • AND MY FAVORITE ONE- We find the talent, train the talent and work with our members to help them hire and develop this talent. 

Stay Tuned

You will be hearing from me more and more on these initiatives. It is a daunting task but a task we are up for!! And a task we will ask for your help on. Stay tuned for a whole bunch of things in the next year!! 

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Bryan Bernier is the CEO of Professional Independent Insurance Agents of Colorado (PIIAC) located in Denver, CO. Learn more about Bryan here.

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