PIIAC Committees
Education and Technical Affairs Committee
As a PIIAC Member, you are invited to be part of the Technical Affairs Committee.
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Education and Technical Affairs Committee
This committee is charged with sculpting the Education and Training programs offered by PIIAC to ensure that our agents are equipped with all the knowledge and skills they need to succeed. This committee will discuss how best to train new talent, how to maintain an ongoing program for this talent, and how to help agencies of all sizes with their Professional Development and Continuing Education needs.
PIIAC’s Next-Gen Committee
A twist on your typical Young Agents Committee. The Next-Gen Committee will be geared towards our Next Generation of leaders. We will need both newcomers and seasoned professionals alike to make this successful. The group’s mission is to foster essential skills for success and leadership. We will tailor support to agents’ individual needs, helping them refine their expertise, elevate their professionalism, and walk away empowered to make a lasting impact on the industry.
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Next-Gen Committee
Through the Next-Gen Committee, we will provide opportunities for young agents and current industry leaders to develop/enhance their careers through personal education plans, scholarships, and exclusive CE opportunities. We will establish connections between young agents and current industry leaders by providing opportunities to give back to our community. The committee will also give these upcoming/current industry leaders the ability to build relationships with each other through exciting events and activities.
Events Committee
Are you ready to be part of the fun? If so, as a PIIAC member, you need to join and attend the Events Committee meetings.
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Events Committee
This committee plans all our events, including the Nabity Golf Tournament, Annual Convention, Young Agents events, and networking events. Be part of the team that helps grow and create events that our members will remember for a lifetime.
Government Affairs Committee
Attend all our Government Affairs Committee Meetings as we drive our message and goals from an advocacy standpoint.
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Government Affairs Committee
As a member of PIIAC you are welcome to attend all our Government Affairs Committee Meetings. This committee drives our message and goals from an advocacy standpoint. We research and review every single Senate and House Bill in the State of Colorado. We work to raise awareness of the goals of our membership from a Government Affairs standpoint. This committee also works with our National Association, IIABA, on any issues we see from a National standpoint.
Contact – PIIAC Staff Liaison
Bryan Bernier, CEO, bryan@piiac.com
Jennifer Cassell – Bowditch and Cassell, Jennifer.cassell@bcpublicaffairs.com
Daniel Furman – Hall and Evans, furmand@hallevans.com