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Frequently Asked

What are PIIAC's core functions?

At PIIAC we believe the Independent Insurance Agent Distribution Channel is the best place for consumers to purchase their insurance. With that in mind, we strive to provide our members throughout Colorado the necessary resources to grow their agency, we provide Professional Development, Talent Development, Advocacy at both a state and national level, Market Access, E&O Insurance as well as a whole host of other tools to grow their business.

Will being a member of PIIAC help me grow my business?

Yes. PIIAC provides a tremendous amount of resources to our members. We have over 275 agencies that use PIIAC for a whole host of products. We have a best in class market access program that gives our members a whole host of markets to help grow their agency, including Pinnacol, SECURA Specialty, AmTrust, Safeco, The Hartford, CNA, and many others. Our E&O program gives members access to two exclusive markets to better protect their agency while providing them risk management resources. We also provide a whole group of tools to grow your business, including but not limited to the ability to take credit cards from your clients, electronic signature options, discounts on AMS Systems, and many others.

What does an agency member look like?

We have over 300 member agencies representing over $2.5 billion in P&C Premium throughout the State of Colorado. We have many 1 or 2 person agencies that might focus on Personal Lines up to 200+ person agencies that provide a whole host of risk management tools for their clients. As an organization, we recognize all the different challenges that our members of all sizes have and try to meet as many of those as possible.

Does being a member of PIIAC allow me any networking opportunities?

Absolutely, throughout the year we put on many different events to encourage networking. Our capstone event is our Annual Convention that takes place in the fall. We also have our Annual Nabity Golf Tournament in June. Throughout the year we have over 25 committee meetings that foster the collaboration of Independent Insurance Agents. In 2018/19 we had a Cornhole Tournament that drew over 85 people to our office as well as a team bike building event that helped get a whole class full of kids a bicycle.

What does PIIAC do for their industry as a whole?

Each and every day PIIAC strives to make the Insurance Industry just a bit better. We help elevate our members to allow them to serve the consuming public in the most professional manner possible. PIIAC has taken a leading role in bringing in the next generation of insurance professionals, aligning with numerous organizations to find, train and place talent throughout our member agencies. PIIAC has numerous committees that help foster a better environment throughout the industry. We have an Emerging Leaders Committee that is tasked with identifying and bringing on new diverse talent to combat our aging workforce. PIIAC’s Government Affairs Committee takes an active role in all things related to legislation and the Division of Insurance.
We monitor every bill and ensure our members are protected. The Education Committee sculpts and drives our education offerings and gives us valuable insights as to what our members need and how they consume it. Lastly, our Events Committee plans all our events to ensure they are both fun and informative.

Recent Articles

2023 Colorado P&C Marketplace Summary

PIIAC has partnered with Real Insurance Solutions Consulting LLC to provide PIIAC members a summary of the 2023 Colorado Property Casualty Insurance Marketplace. The marketplace summary is a graphic and numeric presentation of the Colorado P&C industry data from...

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