Adapting and Showing Selflessness
The independent agent cares more for their clients than themselves.
By Bryan Bernier, PIIAC CEO
I HOPE EVERYONE RECEIVED THE FIRST copy of the new, revised COIN. The hard copy format was sent to all PIIAC agency main contacts as well as a random selection of other individuals at member agencies. The digital version was emailed to all PIIAC contacts. If you did not receive the first edition, let us know and we will get that to you.
We have seen more change in 2020 than we have in any year in a very long time. I have been chatting with members and the word I keep hearing is “adapting.” Talking to members and hearing things like “We have had to adapt, but we are more fortunate than most.” “We were built to adapt, and we have it all under control.” These statements are what the independent agent is all about. I have seen PIIAC members’ selflessness on full display; they care more about their clients than themselves.
Back in April, we decided to advance the bonuses for those agencies that were in line to earn a bonus from our Pinnacol program. The members who were going to be eligible were notified of their eligibility and were asked if they would like to receive part of their bonus early. In response, a member agent wrote the following back to me “We are in a better position than most. Please advance those who need it the most and I will wait for mine.” To get an email like that from a longtime member whose largest concern was his competition proves the independent agent cares for all.
As we move forward with the new normal, we will have to continue to evolve and adapt. We will need to work harder than ever before to stay relevant in today’s world. We must continue to adopt new technologies, better ways to communicate, and more efficient ways to handle our businesses. We have to find out how our clients, potential clients, and members want to consume what we are saying and offering. As an association, PIIAC is doing what our members are doing and finding that new way. You will see some new member benefits coming out that will enable you to grow your business and give you more resources. We will ask for your feedback on what else you need from us. I know they may be overdone a bit, but we can jump on a Zoom call and chat about everything we have going on and hear from you.
We want nothing more than to see everyone face-to-face and laugh and get to know one another further. We know that is not going to happen in the very near future. When that time comes, we will be back together in person and we can talk about our members’ selflessness and hard work. That will be something to celebrate! We will look back at 2020 and discuss how we saw some hard days but talk about how we adapted and showed our caring, selflessness side toward our fellow agents, community, and clients.
As we wrap up 2020, we are excited for 2021 and what we have going on. I wish you and yours a safe and healthy holiday season.
Bryan Bernier, PIIAC CEO
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